Saturday, January 27, 2024

What are the levels of Management

Management Level


levels of Management
levels of Management

What are the levels of Management: Management could be a universal term used sure as shooting functions performed by people in an exceeding enterprise that are tied along in a hierarchy of relationships. all and sundry within the hierarchy are answerable for the self-made completion of a selected task. To be able to fulfill that responsibility he’s given an exact quantity of authority or decision-making authority.

 3 levels of Management


Management Level
Management Level

Top Management:

They are created by the senior-most officers of the organization, no matter the name they’re known as. they’re usually named because of the President, Chief military officer, Chief operative Officer, President, and vice-chairman. prime management could be a team consisting of managers from completely different practical levels, leading finance, marketing, etc. for instance the Chief money handler,

Vice President (Marketing). Their basic operation is to integrate and coordinate the various components

Activities of various departments follow the objectives of the organization. this top

Level managers are answerable for the welfare and survival of the organization. they analyze

Business surroundings and their implications for the survival of the firm. They formulate overall structure goals and methods for their action. they’re answerable for all the activities of the business and its impact on society. the task of a prime manager is complicated and trying,

Long-standing demands and commitment to the organization.


 Middle Management:

The link between prime and bottom-level managers. they’re subordinate

For prime managers and higher than first-line managers. them typically. is named as

Division head, eg production manager. Middle management is answerable for implementing and dominating the plans and methods developed by the highest management. Feather

At the same time, they’re answerable for all the activities of the first-line managers. their main task is

Carry out plans ready by prime managers. for that they


(i) to clarify the policies framed by the highest management,

(ii) make sure that their department has the required employees,

(iii) Assign necessary duties and responsibilities to them,

(iv) To encourage them to attain desired objectives

(v) To collaborate with different departments for the swish functioning of

Supervisory or Operational Management:

Foremen and supervisors comprise the lower levels within the hierarchy of the organization. supervisors

Directly monitor manpower efforts. Their authority and responsibility are restricted as per the plans ready by the highest management. superior management plays a really necessary role within the organization as they act with the particular manpower and pass the directions to the centre

management of employees. Through their efforts the standard of production is maintained, material wastage is decreased and safety standards are maintained. the standard of accomplishment and also the amount of production rely on the exertion, discipline, and loyalty of the employees.


Management Functions

Management is delineated because of the method of coming up with, organizing, directing, and dominating the efforts of structure members and victimization structure resources to attain specific goals.

Management set up

Planning is the act of determinative before what to try to be done and the United Nations agency to try to do it. It means setting goals before and developing the simplest way to attain them expeditiously and effectively. in

The objective of Smita’s organization is the production and sale of candles. Smita needs to decide the amount, variety



To achieve the goals of the organization effectively. Effectiveness

Management worries about doing the correct issue and finishing

activities and goals. potency means operating

correctly and with a borderline price.



The salient options of management are:

(i) Goal-oriented method

(ii) All comprehensive

(iii) four-dimensional

(iv) Continuous method

(v) cluster activity

(vi) Dynamic work

(vii) Tangible force.


Management serves 3 basic objectives: structure, social, and private

Identification of Specification Management

Identification of Specification Management


Specification Management
Specification Management

After going through some definitions we get some elements that can be called basic

Management Features: Management is a goal-oriented

Process: An organization has a set of basic goals which are The root cause of its existence. it should be simple and clearly stated. Different organizations have different goals. For

For example, retail stores target to increase sales, but The goal of the Spastic Society India has to provide education

Children with special needs. Unifies management efforts of different people in the organization towards achieving these goals.


Management is comprehensive:


Activities Involved in Management of one enterprise common to all Whether the organization is financial, social, or political. a petrol pump needs to be managed as a hospital or a school. Managers in India, the USA, Germany, and Japan are the same. how they do it might be enough Different. this difference is payable to differences in culture, Tradition, and History.

Management is multidimensional: Management is one complex activity consisting of three key aspects. This:

Management of work: All exist for the organization’s performance of a task. In One Factory, One Product

The patient is treated. Management translates this work into term


People Management:

Human resources or people are the biggest assets of an organization. Despite all the developments in technology “working through people” is still a major task for the manager. There are two dimensions to managing people, It implies treating employees as individuals with diverse needs and attitudes;

It also means treating individuals as a group of people. The function of management is to make people work towards achieving the goals of the organization by making their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.

Operations Management:


No matter what the organization is, it has some basic product or service to provide.

Survived. This requires a production process that involves

Importance of Management

Nature and Importance of Management



 Definition of management

Importance of Management: Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected objectives.” Harold Koontz and Heinz Wehrich ”

Management is defined as the process of planning, organizing, executing, and controlling” The operation of an organization to achieve human and material coordination Resources required for the effective and efficient realization of the objectives.” Robert L. Trevally and M. Jean Newport ”

Management is the process of working with and through others to achieve effective results” Organizational objectives by efficiently using limited resources in a changing environment.


Women also faced a lot of harassment but they could overcome all those troubles. Namechi Designer Candles is 100% women employees and they also produce a variety of candles during Diwali, they produce Custom candles meant for each Occasion.


This Diwali Themed Candle In Sikkim has been successful as Demand increases on an annual basis. Namechi Designer Candles has received many awards such as North East Women Entrepreneurs of the Year 2015-2016 for Sikkim and Shrimant Shankar Mission of Guwahati on 26 April 2018. New Delhi.

A typical day in Smita’s life consists of a series of interrelated and continuous work. with him To plan a special festive collection for Diwali. it means organizing More money and more recruitment staff. he also has to regularly communicate with his suppliers To make sure about the deadline The delivery of the goods is completed. During the day, she meets Customers for general feedback and any suggestions Smita may be managing Namchi Designer Candles.

This is the principal managing your school. they all manage an organization. schools, hospitals, shops, and large corporations are all organizations with diverse goals to achieve something. no matter what the organization and its goals may be, they all have some general management and managers. Have you seen that Smita’s Working as a Manager Includes a series of different activities to achieve the tasks of the Organization’s goals?

 These interdependent and interdependent Tasks are part of management.

Successful organizations do not achieve their goals by chance but by following a deliberate process called ‘management’ management concept Management is a very popular term and has been widely used in all kinds of activities and mainly taking charge of various activities in any enterprise. as you see from the above examples and case studies management is an activity that wherever the group is necessary of people working in an organization. people performing in organizations miscellaneous tasks but they are all working towards the same goal.

 Management to guide their efforts towards achieving a common objective

A target. Thus, the management has to see that the tasks have been completed and the target is achieved with (ie, effectiveness) the least amount of resources and a minimum cost

Management at Tata Steel History

Management at Tata Steel History


Management at Tata Steel History
Management at Tata Steel History

Management at Tata Steel History: Jamsetji Naserwanji, Tata supported in 1868 by The Tata cluster

is an international business cluster operative in over a hundred countries

in five continents. their sturdy sense of values ​​and spirit

Innovation and entrepreneurship could be an inheritance that continues nowadays

Guide Tata firms until the date

an iron Associate in Nursingd company, a world category establishment, a

Unique edifice and a hydroelectric plant. simply become edifice

Reality throughout his lifespan with the inauguration of the Taj Mahal

Hotel on Colaba Beach in the urban center on third December 1903

11 million (worth eleven billion in 2015 prices). on that

At that point, it had been the sole edifice in the Republic of India with electricity.

He believed that glad employees produce glad employees and

In part of this principle, he paid gratuity, prediction to any or all his staff.

Long before the fund was created obligatory. its management

Skills were evident once minute details were chalked in

Entire town planning and construction of Jamshedpur. Value

And the principles that have ruled trade for a century

contained within the Tata Code of Conduct (TCOC).

From Early Beginnings to Living in Steel and vehicles

Keeping au fait the newest technologies, the Tata cluster has nowadays

29 in public listed Tata enterprises, as well as Tata Steel,

Tata Motors, Tata practice Services, Tata Power, Tata


Tata Motors
Tata Motors

Rasayan, Tata international Beverages, Tata Teleservices, Titan, Tata

Communications and Indian Hotels. the cluster features a joint

The market capitalization of roughly $103.51 billion (2016-17).

The spirit of social responsibility is powerful in Tata. they balance

economic prosperity, atmosphere responsibility, and social

Benefits to the community. In India, their partners’ current

With Odisha, and believe in taking our stakeholders forward

in its development journey. Tata Steel Siam initial thirty. is one of


Companies connexion United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund in kid-friendly business


“Children’s property Forum” to form a commitment

In defense of the rights of kids. Community of Tata Steel Europe

Partnership Program – ‘Future Generation’, with sub-themes

Education, environment, health and work

The UK helps job and wealth creation by supporting tiny and

Medium businesses with finance and business premises.

They conjointly play a constructive role in addressing global climate change –

both by reducing the carbon footprint and by making higher performance

Steels that result in fuel-efficient vehicles and energy-efficient buildings.

Their environmental management system is ISO 14001. meets with

Standard in any respect of their main producing sites.

Shaped by a lineage of sound and simple business

principle, the Tata cluster is made on the muse of trust and

Transparency. building, maintaining, and running massive enterprises

Making them productively is feasible solely through effective and economical

Management and coordination in any respect levels.


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Management is a continuous process explain

Management is a continuous process


Management multidimensional activity
Management multidimensional activity

Management is a continuous process explain: Composite, but distinct functions of planning, organizing, directing, staffing, and controlling.

All the tasks are performed simultaneously by all the managers at all times. You must have noticed that in Namchi Designer Candles, Smita does many different things at once.

Management is a group activity


An organization is a collection of diverse individuals with different needs. Each member of the group has a different purpose for joining the organization but as members of the organization, they work towards fulfilling the common organizational goal. It requires teamwork and coordination of individual efforts in a common direction.

Management is a dynamic function


Management is a dynamic function and has to adapt itself to change Climate. An organization interacts with its external environment which includes various social, economic, and political factors. To be successful, an organization must Change itself and its goals according to the needs of the environment. you probably know that McDonald’s, the fast-food giant, made major changes to its menu so it could survive the Indian market.


Management is an intangible force

Management is an intangible force that cannot be seen but its presence can be felt in The way the organization works. The impact of management in an organization is noticeable Where goals are accomplished according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is order instead of chaos. Management Objectives Management seeks to achieve certain objectives which are the desired result of any activity. They must be achieved from the original purpose of the business. in any way to achieve the goals of the organization. The function of a manager is to give a general direction to the individual effort in achieving the overall goal of the organization. Increases Management Efficiency: A manager aims to reduce costs and increase productivity in a better way by Planning, organizing, directing, staffing, and controlling the activities of the organization. Management Makes a Dynamic Organization: All Organizations One has to work in an environment that is constantly changing

and resists change in an organization because it often means moving from a familiar, safe environment to A new and more challenging one. Management helps people to adapt to these changes so that The organization can maintain its competitive edge. Management helps in achieving individual objectives: A manager motivates and leads his team in such a way that individual members can achieve individual goals while contributing to the overall organizational objective. through inspiration and Leadership Management helps individuals develop team spirit, collaboration, and commitment to group success.

Management helps in the development of society

The different groups that constitute an organization have several objectives to serve. Management in the process of accomplishing all these helps in the development of the organization and through that helps in the development of society. It helps in providing good quality products and services, creating jobs, embraces new technology for the greater good Leads to further growth and development of people.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

NCVT MIS ITI Result 2024 – Ncvt mis

Ncvt MIS Certificate

NCVT MIS ITI Result 2022 – ncvtmis
ITI Result 2022


NCVT MIS ITI Result 2024 – Ncvt Mis: semester-wise results and second-annual results. As a result, you

If you are a student of  ITI Result 2024 NCVTyou want to check NCVT results, it is very easy to know to check ITI Aug results on the NCVT MIS  portal

to get used to your roll number.  ITI results as an Aug result of ITI is published semester-wise. Select the semester you want to see the result for and fill in the roll number and select the semester.


NCVT ITI Aug Result 2024 Mark Sheet

1. Step: From the dropdown menu, click on Marksheet Verification.

2. Step: Enter your Roll Number or Registration Number as Roll Number is called.

3. Step: Then choose your semester

4. Step: Select the semester you want to view the results of the first semester or all semester or second semester.

5. You can view ITI results on NCVT MIS Portal by clicking on the more search button


How to check ITI Results  2022


Candidates who want to check ITI results should visit the official website of ITI Haryana  to check current ITI results.

How to check NCVT ITI Results?

To Check NCVT ITI results Visit this webpage for complete details about checking NCVT ITI Results.

How can I download ITI Marksheet

Click on Result.

Enter ITI Registration Number. or roll no.

Select Semester/Annual

Click on Search Result and Download ITI Marksheet.


ITI Result August 2023

ITI Result August 2023 MIS Mark Sheet Download


ITI Result August 2023
ITI Result August 2023



ITI Result August 2023 Marksheet Download – 1st & 2nd Year: NCVT has released the result of the MIS ITI Semester Exam 2021-22.  August 2022


Candidates who appeared for the Master of Information System (MIS) ITI 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sem Exam can now check results from the official website only.


To download your mark sheet or know your ITI August result 2023, you will need to enter login details like application number/roll number, date of birth, etc. A direct link ( page/mark sheet/validate.aspx) to know your NCVT ITIAugust Result 2023 along with NCVT Certificate, Name Wise / State Wise Merit List are given below.


NCVT MIS ITI August Result 2023


The National Council for Vocational Training, an advisory body to the Government of India, was established in 1956. The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) on behalf of NCVT had earlier conducted the annual Examination for 1st 2nd 3rd 4th-year students.

ITI Result 2021-2022 using your roll number along with name-wise, state-wise merit list on the official website portal –


NCVT ITI August 2023 result 1st 2nd Year


A huge number of students participated in the Technical & Non-Technical Trainee Course Examination conducted state-wise.

January/February and August/September for odd and even semesters. Now, candidates are looking for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sem Results on NCVT MIS Portal


The MIS ITI Sem Aug. Result will contain the details about the performance of the candidate, so it is very important. Based on the result, the examination authorities will release the NCVT MIS ITI Aug Marksheet 2022. Hence, the ITI Aug. Result 2022 will be declared along with other important information such as semester-wise, and year-wise merit lists, and cut-off marks.

NCVT MIS – Apprenticeship


Download NCVT ITI August Merit List 2022 State Wise


Candidates who have participated in the ITI August Semester Exam selection will be decided by a merit list prepared by the National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) department. While preparing for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-semester marks obtained by the candidate in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semesters will be taken into consideration. merit list


Check state-wise NCVT ITI Result August  2022


Check state-wise lists for Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharashtra, Bihar, and other states on the NCVT portal.

How can I check my ITI August result?
NCVT MIS August mark sheet link



Click here

Ravi iti placement campus 2024

Ravi iti placement campus 2024


Ravi iti placement campus 2022
Ravi iti placement campus 2024


Ravi iti placement campus 2024 Free Private Jobs Notifications From Various Private Sector Units. Private Sector ITI Jobs In Various Sectors Such As Date:- 17/10/22 (10:pm )


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ITI Jobs Notification:-


Get all the latest Govt and Private ITI Jobs Notification 2022 and most important ITI Jobs Notification in Hindi on our website. Students can also get here all ITI Sarkari Naukri Exam Alerts, and Sarkari Naukri Notifications. Students can also download Admit Card, Latest ITI Sarkari Jobs Result, ITI Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Sarkari Rojgar, Rojgar Result, Admit Card, Sarkari result, Latest Jobs, Result, ITI Sarkari Jobs, Railway, Navy, UPPSC, Army in various sectors like. , Police, UPSSSC & more Free Govt & Private Jobs alerts in only one place.



Disclaimer: The exam results/job information published on this website is only for immediate information to the users and is not meant to be a legal document.. While all efforts have been made to make the information available on this website. As authentic as possible. Please take any decision only after verifying all the information mentioned on this website because all the information is put on the basis of internet research and this blog does not claim any information to be false or correct. Therefore, later the owner of this website will not be responsible in any way.

ITI Admission Online Form 2024

ITI Admission Online Form 2024

ITI Admission Online Form 2023



ITI Admission Form 2024 For Session 2024 Online Form

ITI Admission Online Form 2024: Industrial Training Institute Has released the notification for the ITI entrance exam For Engineering Trades And Non-Engineering Trades. Any candidate who wants to take ITI admission in ITI can apply Online Form In June 2023. Read the notification for admission-related eligibility, age, fee, campus details, and all other information.

ITI Industrial Training Institute

CTI Apply Online Form 2024

Online admission portal student login

Hall Tickets: Notify Soon

Important Expected Dates


Online Application Start:  June 2024
All India Common Entrance Test: July 2024
Mock Examination: Notify Soon
CBT Exams/: Notify Soon
      Result: Notify Soon



Eligibility for ITI Admission 2024



ITI (NCVT Certificate)



Application Fee

General: 500/-

SC / ST / PH / EWS /: 300/-

Pay Fees UPI/Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking.

ITI Admission Age Limit 2024

Age limit:12 years, No upper age limit.

Lower Cut Off out of 100 Marks332920

ITI Counselling Fees 2024

The counselling Fee is Rs.1000 which is non-refundable. The counselling Fee will be adjusted in the admission Fee for candidates who have been admitted to any phase of counselling. Only candidates who have paid counselling Fees will be considered for Counselling.

Phases of Counselling

CITS 2023 Online counseling will be conducted in Three Phases

  • First Phase of Counselling
  • Second Phase of Counselling
  • Third Phase of Counselling
  • Spot Admission.

How to Fill ITI Application Online Form 2024

  • The link for the online application will be available The registration facility for trainees must be available on the portal from June 2024.
  • Kindly Check and collect all documents – Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, and Basic Details.
  • Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to the Recruitment Form – Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
  • Before submitting, the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All columns carefully.
  • Suppose the Candidate is Required to Pay the Application Fee and Must Submit it. If You Have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
  • Take A Print Out of the Final Submitted Form.


  • The eligibility, syllabus for the trades, and exam website
  • The candidate can select any entrance examination center at his/her convenience and indicate his/her preferences. Exam centers might change based on the number of candidates who applied for the particular center. If very few candidates have opted for an Exam center, an alternate available center will be provided.
  • The respective Institute will finalize the allotment of seats in an institute during counseling solely based on merit and as per the choices mentioned by the candidate in his application as well as considering the reservation norms.
  • If as per merit, the candidate’s preferred seats are not vacant, he/she will be offered a seat wherever available.
  • No transfer request for admission.
  • Only those candidates who have appeared and qualified in the AICET -2023 as per merit are eligible for ITI admission

ITI Counseling Process

The counselling process of the ITI entrance exam is conducted in Four Phases.

  • 1st round counseling
  • 2nd round counseling
  • 3rd round counseling
  • Map of round counselling

Online admission portal Haryana

To take provisional admission, you will have to go to any nearest ITI with the fee payment receipt and instrument letter, there you will have to take all the original documents so that your physical document verification will be done, only after that you will verify all the documents.

Document Required to be ITI Documents Verification will be verified

  • Counselling Fee payments and Institute Allotment notifications are generated from the portal.
  • Academic certificate – 8th/10th/+2
  • Marksheet And certificate of completing ITI/Degree/Diploma
  • Caste Certificate
  • EWS Certificate
  • PWD Certificate
  • Ex-serviceman Certificate
  • Adhar Card

All students are given 4 days to take provisional admission, once the candidate is admitted, he will not be able to participate in any further counselling but can participate in the transfer process.

Admission portal login

Important Link

Apply Registration | Log In
ITI Website Click Here
   Notification Hindi
 Official WebsiteClick Here or


ITI Counseling Online

ITI Counseling Online 2024


ITI Counseling Online
ITI Counseling Online

ITI Counseling Online (Industrial Training Institute) counseling is a process that typically takes place after the ITI entrance exams or merit-based selection. It involves the allocation of seats to candidates based on their performance and preferences.

Here’s a general overview of the ITI counseling process:

  1. Notification: The conducting authority or the respective state/region releases a counseling notification specifying the schedule, eligibility criteria, and other important details. Candidates need to stay updated with the official notifications.
  2. Registration: Eligible candidates must register for counseling within the specified time frame. This usually involves filling out an online application form with personal, educational, and preference-related information.
  3. Document Verification: After the registration process, candidates must visit the designated counseling centers with their original documents for verification. Common documents include mark sheets, certificates, identity proof, and caste/category certificates (if applicable). It’s crucial to carry both original and photocopies of the required documents.
  4. Choice Filling: Once the documents are verified, candidates are given access to an online portal where they can fill in their preferred choices of ITIs and trades. They can select multiple options based on their preference and eligibility.
  5. Seat Allotment: After the choice-filling period ends, the conducting authority uses the candidate’s merit and preference to allot seats in ITI. The seat allotment is usually done through a centralized online process, and the results are published on the official website.
  6. Reporting and Admission: Candidates who are allotted seats must report to the designated ITI within the specified timeframe. They need to carry the necessary documents and admission fees to complete the admission process. If a candidate fails to report within the given time, their seat may be forfeited.

ITI 1st Counseling link

ApplyRegistration | Log In
ITI CounselingClick Here
   Notification Hindi
 Official WebsiteClick Here



It’s important to note that the exact process and timelines may vary depending on the state or region where the ITI counseling is conducted. Therefore, it’s recommended to refer to the official notifications and guidelines provided by the respective performing authority for accurate and up-to-date information.






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क्या आप IGNOU इग्नू के छात्र हैं और उच्च-गुणवत्ता, विश्वसनीय और सटीक हल किए गए असाइनमेंट की तलाश में हैं? हमारे इग्नू सॉल्व्ड असाइनमेंट्स पीडीएफ के अलावा कहीं और न देखें, हमारा डिजिटल उत्पाद आपके लिए विस्तृत समाधान और चरण-दर-चरण स्पष्टीकरण के साथ सबसे व्यापक और विश्वसनीय IGNOU  इग्नू सॉल्व्ड असाइनमेंट्स लाता है। हमारे विशेषज्ञों की टीम के पास इग्नू के पाठ्यक्रम का वर्षों का अनुभव और गहन ज्ञान है, जो यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि हमारे हल किए गए असाइनमेंट गुणवत्ता और सटीकता के उच्चतम मानकों को पूरा करते हैं। हमारे इग्नू सॉल्व्ड असाइनमेंट पीडीएफ उत्पाद के साथ, आप निश्चिंत हो सकते हैं कि आपको अपने पाठ्यक्रम में सर्वोत्तम संभव सहायता मिल रही है। हमारे हल किए गए असाइनमेंट विषयों और पाठ्यक्रमों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला को कवर करते हैं, और आपको सामग्री में महारत हासिल करने और अपनी पढ़ाई में सफल होने में मदद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं।


तो इंतज़ार क्यों करें? आज ही हमारा इग्नू सॉल्व्ड असाइनमेंट पीडीएफ उत्पाद प्राप्त करें और शैक्षणिक सफलता की ओर पहला कदम उठाएं!


कोई असाइनमेंट खरीदने और उसे तुरंत प्राप्त करने के लिए, इन चरणों का पालन करें:


  1. असाइनमेंट को अपने कार्ट में जोड़ने के लिए “कार्ट में जोड़ें या अभी बटन पर क्लिक करें
  2. अपना ईमेल पता दर्ज करें और अनुरोध के अनुसार आवश्यक जानकारी प्रदान करें।
  3. अगले चरण पर आगे बढ़ने के लिए “जारी रखें” पर क्लिक करें।
  4.  आपको डाउनलोड पृष्ठ पर पुनः निर्देशित किया जाएगा, जहां आप तुरंत अपने हल किए गए असाइनमेंट तक पहुंच सकते हैं और डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।
  5. इसके अतिरिक्त, असाइनमेंट पीडीएफ के लिए एक डाउनलोड लिंक खरीदारी के दौरान आपके द्वारा प्रदान किए गए ईमेल पते पर भेजा जाएगा।


  1. यदि आपको दिया गया असाइनमेंट गलत है या उसमें गलत सामग्री है तो हम पूर्ण 100% रिफंड की पेशकश करते हैं।
  2. किसी विशिष्ट उत्तर संबंधी समस्या के मामले में, शोध करना और सही उत्तर प्रदान करना छात्र की जिम्मेदारी है।
  3. हमारे असाइनमेंट समाधान केवल संदर्भ के रूप में काम करने के लिए हैं।
  4. जबकि असाइनमेंट लिखे जाने वाले उत्तरों की संख्या के लिए विकल्प प्रदान करते हैं, हम अधिकतम अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए आवश्यक प्रश्नों की न्यूनतम संख्या को कवर करने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं।
  5. हम इग्नू की पुस्तकों और ऑनलाइन संसाधनों का उपयोग करके असाइनमेंट बनाते हैं।

वेबसाइट पर सफल भुगतान के बाद, आपके पास वेबसाइट के डाउनलोड अनुभाग से असाइनमेंट डाउनलोड करने के लिए 7 दिनों की अवधि होगी। इसके अतिरिक्त, असाइनमेंट पीडीएफ के लिए एक डाउनलोड लिंक आपके ईमेल पर भेजा जाएगा।


कृपया भुगतान के 7 दिनों के भीतर असाइनमेंट डाउनलोड करना सुनिश्चित करें, क्योंकि उस समय के बाद डाउनलोड लिंक समाप्त हो जाएगा।


IGNOU Assignment date
IGNOU Assignment date





TOTAL =Free/-


आपको डाउनलोड पृष्ठ पर पुनः निर्देशित किया जाएगा, जहां आप तुरंत अपने हल किए गए असाइनमेंट तक पहुंच सकते हैं और डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

Ignou’s assignment’s last date

  • IGNOU Extended Assignment submission last date  30  September 2023 
  • IGNOU Extended Assignment submission last date  30 March 2023 
IGNOU Assignment Status 


IGNOU Assignment Status
IGNOU Assignment Status


IGNOU Assignment StatusClick Here

ITI Result 2024 NCVT live

 How can I check the ITI result

ITI Result 2022 NCVT
ITI Result 2022 NCVT


ITI Result 2024 NCVT live There are two types of ITI results: semester-wise results and second-annual results. As a result, you

 If you are a student of  ITI Result 2024 NCVTyou want to check NCVT results, it is very easy to to check ITI results on the NCVT MIS portal

to get used to your roll number.  ITI results as a result of ITI are published semester-wise. Select the semester you want to see the result for and fill in the roll number and select the semester.


Download NCVT ITI Result 2024 Mark Sheet

1. Step: From the dropdown menu, click on Marksheet Verification.

2. Step: Enter your Roll Number or Registration Number as Roll Number is called.

3. Step: Then choose your semester

4. Step: Select the semester you want to view the results of the first semester or all semester or second semester.

5. You can view ITI results on NCVT MIS Portal by clicking on the more search button


How to check ITI Results


Those candidates who want to check ITI results should visit the official website to check current ITI results.

How to check NCVT ITI Results?

To Check NCVT ITI results Visit this webpage for complete details about checking NCVT ITI Results.

How can I download ITI Marksheet

Click on Result.

Enter ITI Registration Number. or roll no.

Select Semester/Annual

Click on Search Result and Download ITI Marksheet.


Saturday, January 13, 2024

HSSC CET Results 2024 link

HSSC CET Results 2024 link

HSSC CET Results 2022 link
HSSC CET Results 2022 link


HSSC CET Results 2024 link:hssc cet Results, cet advertisement

Hssc cet apply last date
hssc cet exam date 2023
Haryana CET admit card 2023


HSSC  CET Results  2022 Details

Exam AuthoritiesHaryana Staff Selection Commission/ National Testing Agency
Test NameCommon Eligibility Test 
Posts forGroup C & D
Haryana CET Exam Date5 to 7 November 2022
Haryana CET Results 2022 Release Date26th DEC.


Haryana CET Exam Subject

  • The CET will be organized for a total of 100 marks and aspirants will have 1 Hour 30 Minutes to solve the question paper.

·       No negative marking in the CET 2023

General Awareness, Reasoning, English, Science, Maths, Hindi, Computer70
Haryana General Knowledge30
Total Marks100



Click Here



Tuesday, January 09, 2024

HBSE 12th Exams Pre-board examination 2020-22

HBSE 12th Exams Pre-board examination 2020-22


HBSE 12th Exams Pre board examination 2020-22
HBSE 12th Exams Pre-board examination 2020-22

HBSE 12th Exams pre-board examination 2020-22 with answers essential for the Revision of 12th class Exam in Haryana Education Board for the Students.


HBSE 12th Exams Pre-board examination 2020-22 sample paper class 12th  2022 with solutions



HBSE 12th Exams Pre-board examination 2020-22  Haryana Education Board  Sample Paper for 12th Hindi A is now available here for download in PDF, with Answers.


Haryana Board 12th HBSE Education Model test Paper 2022


Available Students, You Can Download in PDF Format From This Web Page of Below Link.


Read:- How do I wire my house for electricity

Monday, January 08, 2024

Letter Writing 10th Class 2022

Letter Writing 10th Class 2022. Here we have given 10 Class  English Letter Writing.


To a friend about a pleasant experience you had.


You are Ravi of Sector IV, Rohini, New Delhi. Write a letter to your friend describing a pleasant experience you had recently.


  1. Netaji Road


9th November, 2020

My dear Kanina,

I would like to share with you a pleasant experience. You know my cousin Shankar is in Mumbai. He had invited me to stay with him for a week. I accepted his invitation because I wanted to see Mumbai.


So I went to Mumbai on 14th October. Soon after reaching there. I heard about a conference. It was a conference on ‘How to combat terrorism.’ With the permission of the Chair, I was also allowed to speak there. You can imagine my happiness when I got the appreciation of the crowd. All of them appreciated my point of view.

I will give you the details of my speech when we meet.

With love

Yours affectionately


CBSE Class 8 English Letter Writing Informal Letters 1




To your friend describe the winter season in a hill station you visited.


You have recently visited a hill station during winter vacation. Write your experience to your friend. You are Manu

ABC Hostel

Kendriya Vidyalaya


3rd January 2020

My dear Manu

I hope you are hale and hearty. Nevertheless, I am sure you will not be feeling very comfortable in Delhi. It must be very cold there. Yet, it may surprise you that I have visited Simla last week. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, I enjoyed myself a lot.




It was the end of December. The usual crowds of summer days were absent. We got a comfortable room. In the morning, I opened the window. What a scene! It was snowing all around. We were two people in the room. Both of us dressed well and came out in the open. It was my first experience of enjoying the snowfall.

1 kept on the road for a long time.


In the afternoon, I watched an exciting program of ice-skating. I could not participate in it. Yet, it was a treat to watch.

With love.

Yours affectionately



To friend inviting to spend the vacation


You are Ramesh living at ABC Janakpuri, Delhi. Write a letter to your friend inviting him to come to Delhi during the vacation. Mention a few attractions that you want both of you to visit.

ABC Janakpuri


2 April. 2016

Dear Rohit

The holidays have started. I wish to pass some time with you.

Please come to Delhi during the holidays. We shall be visiting historical places in and around Delhi. We will go to the restaurants, cinema houses, etc. We will go for a picnic on the river bank. We will shop in Connaught Place. I shall take you to the British Council Library and the American Study Centre.

I am sure you shall come soon.

With love

Yours lovingly



Describing how you celebrated your last birthday


You are Suresh of 25, Nehru Nagar, Hyderabad. Write a letter to your friend Vinaya describing your birthday party.


25, Nehru Nagar


10 June 2016

My dear Vinaya

Thank you for the good-wishes card on my birthday. The card was really beautiful. However, I missed you.

Anyway, my parents held a party on the occasion. All my relatives and friends came to wish me a happy birthday.

Everybody liked the birthday cake. There was a special program of dance and music. We enjoyed ourselves till late in the evening.

My uncle from England gave us a surprise visit. My parents were very glad about it. My uncle brought with him a special gift from London. I will show you the same when you come here.

With love.

Yours affectionately



To father for replacement of the watch


Your father has sent you a watch as a present on your birthday, but it is not keeping the correct time. Write a letter informing him of this fact and requesting him to get it replaced. You are Sudha/Sudhir.


Miranda Hostel

ABC School

New Delhi

May 2, 2016

Dear Father

Thank you very much for sending the beautiful wristwatch on my birthday. However, the watch has some defects. It loses about five minutes every twenty- four hours. It has one year guarantee. So kindly get it replaced. Tell me to whom to send it.

I shall wait for your letter. I am quite well here. I hope that everything is fine there at home.

With regards

Yours lovingly


To uncle thanking him for a nice birthday gift


Your Uncle presented a book to you on your birthday. It is related to the art of living. Pointing out the usefulness of the book in life, write a letter in about 100 words thanking your uncle for sending this valuable gift. You are Navin/Nalini living at 250, Rcydhani Enclave Baroda.


250 Rajdhani Enclave


2 March 2017

My dear Uncle

It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Last Friday was my 11th birthday. The same day I received your gift of a book along with your blessings.

Thank you very much for this valuable gift. I have not read the entire book. But the little that I have read is highly useful and entertaining. I feel that these are the things that matter most. I am sure the book will remain with me all my life.

I thank you once again for the nice birthday gift.

Yours affectionately



To a friend inviting him to the Book Fair


Your friend, Kunal is fond of reading good books. Write a letter to him inviting him to visit the Book Fair which is going to be held in your city in December. You are Rctjiv Mittal, living at-15, Ballabh Colony, New Delhi.

ABC Colony

New Delhi

November 7, 2020

My dear Kunal

Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that everybody is fine.

Our city is holding a Book Fair in the third week of December. All the major publishers in the country and from abroad are taking part in it. It is an opportunity for book-lovers. You are very fond of reading good books. So I invite you to visit this Book Fair in our city. When are you coming to us for this purpose?

Yours sincerely



Write a letter to a friend who has not returned your book. Request him to return it immediately as you have to finish your homework.


ABC Kailash

New Delhi

4th April 2022

Dear Mohit

I hope you remember that you had taken my Golden English for only two days. It is now a week. I need it urgently to finish my homework.

Kindly send it back at once and oblige.

Yours affectionately


Sunday, January 07, 2024

write an Application to the principal of your school

Write an application to the Principal of your school for fee concession.


The Principal

Abc  Higher Secondary School


7th August 2020


I beg to say that my father is a poor man. His monthly income is only three thousand rupees. We are six members in our family. My father is not in a position to pay my school fee.

I request you to grant me a full fee concession. I shall be highly obliged to you for this act of kindness.

Yours obediently


Class 10


2. Write an application for a week’s leave to the Headmaster of your school as you are unable to attend school because of viral fever.


The Headmaster

Abc Model School


August 8, 2022

Sub: Application for leave


I am in bed with an attack of viral fever. So I will not be able to attend school for a week. I request you be kind enough to grant me leave for six days. I shall be absent from 7 August to 12 August 2020.

Yours obediently


Class 10





3. Write an application to your school’s principal requesting him to grant you two days’ leave to attend your brother’s marriage.


The Principal

ABC Public School


5 April 2022

Subject: Leave application


Kindly grant me leave for two days from April 6 to April 7. It is on account of the marriage of my elder brother.

I shall be highly obliged.

With thanks

Yours obediently


(Class 10)

Roll No. 12




 4. You are Amreesh Kumar and you live at 355 ABC Gardens, Bengaluru. You have heard that a Talent Search Competition is to be held shortly, in your city. Write an application to the District Education Officer, Bengaluru, expressing your desire to participate in the competition.


355 ABC Gardens


October 9, 2020

The District Education Officer


Subject: Participation in Talent Search Competition


I have come to know that you are going to hold a Talent Search Competition. It is for the boys of VI, VII, and VIII classes.

Sir, I am a student in class 10. I topped my school in class VI annual examination. I very much desire to take part in this competition.

Kindly send me the procedure and other information to enable me to participate.

Yours faithfully





5. You are Rajat Mittal of Sarvodaya Senior Secondary School, Vikas” Nagar, Delhi You do not have the facility of learning computers in your school. Write a letter to the Principal of your school requesting him to provide the facility to the school’s students.


The Principal

Sr. Sec. School


11 December 2021

Subject: Facilities for learning computers in the school


These are the times of computers. Most of the schools in our city provide computer education. Our school is better than theirs. So we must have even better computers and the teachers to teach their working.

So, I request you to start providing us the computer education. All the students will be obliged to you for it.

Yours obediently

Rajat Mittal

Class 10 English Letter Writing

April 24, 2020, by Veerendra

Saturday, January 06, 2024

10th Social Science model paper 2022

10th Social Science Education model paper 2022


10th Social Science model paper 2022
10th Social Science model paper 2022


10th Social Science model paper 2022 with answers very important for the Revision of 10th class Exam in Haryana Education Board for the Students.


Social Science Education sample paper class 10 2022 with solutions



Social Science  Haryana Education Board  Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science is now available here for download in PDF, with Answers.


Haryana Board 10th Social Science Education Model test Paper 2022

Available Students, You Can Download in PDF Format From This Web Page of Below Link.



Friday, January 05, 2024

10th Science Education Model Paper 2022

10th Science Education model paper 2022



10th Science Education Model Paper 2022
10th Science Education Model Paper 2022

10th Science Education Model Paper 2022 with answers very important for the Revision of 10th class Exam in Haryana Education Board for the Students.


Science Education sample paper class 10 2022 with solutions



Science Education Haryana Education Board  Sample Paper for Class 10 Hindi A is now available here for download in PDF, with Answers.


Haryana Board 10th Science Education Model test Paper 2022


Available Students, You Can Download in PDF Format From This Web Page of Below Link.

Read:- Top 5 Education websites for students


Thursday, January 04, 2024

10th Physical Education Model Paper 2022

10th Physical Education model paper 2022


10th Physical Education Model Paper 2022
10th Physical Education Model Paper 2022

10th Physical Education Model Paper 2022 with answers very important for the Revision of 10th class Exam in Haryana Education Board for the Students.


Physical Education sample paper class 10 2022 with solutions



Physical Education Sample Paper for Class 10 Hindi A is now available here for download in PDF, with Answers.


Haryana Board 10th Physical Education Model test Paper 2022


Physical Education Model Paper PDF FILES

Available Students, You Can Download in PDF Format From This Web Page of Below Link.


Read:- Top 5 Education websites for students

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

10th Mathematics Model Test Paper 2022

10th Mathematics model paper 2022


10th Mathematics Model Test Paper 2022
10th Mathematics Model Test Paper 2022

10th Mathematics Model Test Paper 2022 with answers very important for the Revision of 10th class Exam in Haryana Education Board for the Students.


10th Mathematics Model Test Paper 2022 with solutions



Mathematics Sample Paper for Class 10 Hindi A is now available here for download in PDF, with Answers.


Haryana Board 10th Mathematics Model Test Paper 2022


Mathematics Available Students, You Can Download in PDF Format From This Web Page of Below Link.

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