Wipro technical test questions
Wipro technical Questions and Answers Wipro technical test Wipro technical test questions objective: Types of questions and answers in Wipro online assessment test , Wipro Aptitude Questions 1. How many grams of NaOH will react with 0.2 equivalent of HCl? A) 0.59 B) 0.285 C) 1.18 D) none of these ANSWER= (A) 2. Which of the following is least acidic A) Ortho-cresol29% B) Para-cresol C) Phenol D) Meta-cresol ANSWER= (B) 3. In Reimer-Tiemann’s reaction, the reaction intermediate is A) Carbene B) Dichloro carbene C) Carbonion D) Carbonium ion ANSWER= (D) 4. Which of the following is most acidic? A) C2H5OH B) CH3CHOHCH3 C) Ethanol D) CH3OH ANSWER= (B) 5. A catalyst A) always slows down the reaction B) always starts a rection that would not have occurred at all otherwise C) causes changes in the rate of the reaction D) changes the quantities of the products formed ANSWER= (C) 6. The rate of...