Friday, June 18, 2021

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Vacancy 2021

Sub. Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of 400 posts.



Department as mentioned under paragraph 2.1 through URL address.e.i. Staff Selection Commission from 19.06.2021The website link will be disabled after 02.07.2021 till 11.59 PM.

Procedure/Instruction/Guidelines for filling online application


The following are all general and special instructions regarding the applicant:

To fill the application form online

A. Online Application Form.

B. Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start filling

Check Online Application Form and Filled All Details

Application form after receiving the printout to ensure the correctness of

information and finally upload all the documents before submission


C. Candidate should fill in all the details while filling the online application form.

Print out of Registration Number and Password Screen for future reference

For the status of your application and the reprint of your online filled application

form and e-challan form.

D After successful application submission, candidates can again take the final

Print out of Application Form and E-Challan.

1. A hard copy of the application form along with all the uploaded documents

should be brought at the time when asked to do so by the Haryana Staff Selection

Commission. Any document that has not been uploaded will not be


2. No request will be entertained for any specific changes on the application form

Entertainment by Haryana Staff Selection Commission.


3. Selection will be done as per rules of Punjab Police:


 Candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility/eligibility conditions

cutoff date, their application will not be accepted by online application

System All certificates related to educational qualification/eligibility

conditions and socio-economic criteria etc. will be prescribed concerning

The last date prescribed for applying online is also known as the last date ie.

Important Articles:

1. Candidates are advised to fill their application form carefully like Name,

Father's/Mother's Name, Date of Birth and Category, Qualification, Marks,

Passed Year, Photograph, Signature, Details, and Fee, etc. obtained. no request for

Any particular change in the online application form will be considered

After submission of application by Haryana Staff Selection Commission Form.

2. After the final submission of the application form, no changes will be allowed.

3. If the candidate feels that he/she has filled the form by mistake,

He/she should fill a fresh online application form with fresh

Expected fee before the last date.

Candidates Test distance Qualifying Time

1. Male 2.5 Kilometer 12 minutes
2. Female 1.0Kilometer 6 minutes
3. Ex.-serviceman 1.0Kilometer 5 minutes

Apply Link

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